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Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus 128GB

820,00 KM

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This is the phone that will change photography

Meet Galaxy S20+. With revolutionary 8K Video Snap changing how you capture not just video, but photography. Add in Samsung Knox security, an intelligent battery, powerful processor and massive storage — and the Galaxy S20+ unveils a whole new world for mobile.

This is the phone that will change photography

*8K Video Snap allows you to capture 33MP photos straight from 8K video.

64MP High Resolution Camera

Far beyond the 12 megapixel category, Galaxy S20+ gives you millions more pixels in each photograph. Which means for the first time ever you can pinch in for details you’d never have seen before.

64MP High Resolution Camera

*Image captured on Galaxy S20+.

30X Space Zoom

It starts with 3x Hybrid Optic Zoom enabled by a high-resolution image sensor. Couple that with 30x Super Resolution Zoom enhanced by camera AI to get close up to the action and capture moments you might have missed.

30X Space Zoom

*Image captured on Galaxy S20+.*Super Resolution Zoom includes digital zoom, which may cause some image deterioration.

Bright Night

In low light, the pro-grade camera system captures multiple photos at once, merging them into one stunning shot with less blur and noise. With a larger image sensor and AI, switching to Night mode means you can shoot nighttime scenes clear like daylight.

Bright Night

*Image captured on Galaxy S20+.*Galaxy S20+’s image sensor is about 1.7x larger than Galaxy S10.

The highest-resolution video on mobile, 8K Video

We’ve taken mobile resolution from 4K all the way to 8K. That’s 4 times bigger than UHD and 16 times bigger than FHD. That means you’ll capture moments in super-sharp resolution.

The highest-resolution video on mobile, 8K Video

*Image captured on Galaxy S20+.

8K Video Snap

It’s a whole new way to capture still photography every time you hit record. 8K video turns every frame into a 33MP high-resolution still that you can pinch in on for once-in-a-lifetime shots.

8K Video Snap

*Image captured on Galaxy S20+.

Super Steady

The larger sensor and anti-rolling stabiliser balances camera movement so your footage won’t turn out blurry and unstable, but super smooth.

Super Steady

*Images captured on Galaxy S20+.

Single Take

Single Take is essentially burst mode turned beast mode. With revolutionary AI, it lets you shoot for up to 10 seconds and get back a variety of formats — meaning you can choose the best style for the moment without having to reshoot.

Single Take


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Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus 128GB

820,00 KM